Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brand Yourself

Recently I have become increasing more aware of the need to "Brand Yourself" and make your self available and appealing to potential employers. There are many ways that you can do this, through your resume, blog, and even having your own website. I asked a friend what I should write my post about this week and she told me "Weebly". Weebly is a free website creator that lets you make your own website fairy easily. I had first heard about it when Dr. Carter's senior seminar class had to put their portfolios online. I decided to check it out and it is great tool in helping brand yourself. With this site it is very easy for you to place your resume and samples of things you've done online for employers to see. This semester I am taking a class on Web Design and learning things like Dreamweaver and Fireworks and a lot about HTML. For one of our projects, we had to make a website about ourselves. I was able to make slide shows of the many fliers, brochures, and even t-shirts I have designed for my sorority. I placed writing samples and found a way to link my website to articles I had written for our schools newspaper, The Colonnade. I also had a page for my resume and contact info. I can now take these pages and put them in Weebly and publish it for the world to see! But if some of these words like HTML and Dreamweaver are Greek to you, Weebly is very easy to use and helps you along the way. So as we are applying for internships and thinking about the future, remember to start branding yourself now! You never know what opportunities can come your way! 

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