Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Should Of, Could Of, Would Of....

My venture into Mass Communications was not always in public relations. Ever since I was in the fifth grade I have always wanted to be the next Katie Couric. I have always had a love for television and always had a desire to anchor the evening news. Well that all changed after interning with WALB-TV in Albany my senior year of high school. I came to realize that the television business is not as glamorous as it seems!

Luckily I chose I college that had an excellent Mass Communications program which offered several different concentrations. I am not sure how I came to the decision of concentrating in PR, but I am glad that I have! Thinking back over the past few semesters of MSCM craziness, I really have learned so much.

For the things that I wish I would of known before starting...Let's see. I think that I lucked out by knowing exactly what I wanted to major in and sticking with it, and thanks to that I will be graduating on time! If there has been one thing I have learned about PR and Mass Communications it is the importance of networking. I wish I could of started networking even back in high school with the TV station that I interned with. There have been several people that I have met at events that I never asked for their business card or contact info. I have learned that no matter who the contact is, the more the better! Public Relations is something that I feel is ever changing and adapts to the different generations and publics targeted. Always be open minded and don't be afraid if something does not work on the first try. Public Relations encompasses so much and I feel like there is something for everyone in PR. You might be surprised at how much you use it in your daily life!

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